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Parent Workshops

Start Smart Tasmania offers high quality parent workshops for your school or child care centre. Our focus is on providing parents with the information they need to feel confident in making choices around and in developing their child's communication and feeding skills, at all stages of early childhood, from new babies to 'school ready'. Below is a selection of workshops on offer, however please contact us if individually or as a group you have questions around a particular topic. A workshop can be developed as needed, or we can meet with you individually to share information and ideas.

Early Communication Skills

Another 2-3 hour introductory session for new or expectant parents. We track the journey from birth to 12 months as your little person develops from a passive but interested participant to an assertive and skilled communicator. We will look at the development of...

  • Hearing and attention
  • Play
  • Interaction and attachment
  • Listening and understanding
  • Speech

...and consider when milestones are achieved, how and in what order communication and interaction skills develop. We discuss strategies that promote development in each area, talk about when to be worried and who you can talk to if this happens.

Current Price: $70pp

Discounts available for groups of 8 or more

To express your interest, and to stay informed of upcoming courses and workshops, please email us at admin@startsmarttasmania.com.au.


Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign is the use of Auslan signs to support the key (or main) words in what we say. There can be numerous benefits to children learning to sign alongside learning to speak, not the least of which is that a baby's physical skills develop earlier than their oral ones, meaning they have the capacity to produce recognisable sign before they learn to say their first words. This session for parents of babies aged between 6-12 months discusses the benefits of introducing sign to your baby, and how to go about introducing and using sign in your everyday life.

Current Price: $50pp

Discounts available for groups of 8 or more

To express your interest, and to stay informed of upcoming courses and workshops, please email us at admin@startsmarttasmania.com.au.


'The Boob Job': Getting Ready to Breastfeed

This is a free 2 hour workshop for new and expectant mothers who are keen to breastfeed their babies. In a small group format, we unpack the basics of:

  • Why breastfeed - what are the benefits of breastfeeding to mum and baby
  • Understanding how milk is produced, and what factors can interfere with supply
  • Effective positioning and attachment for successful and efficient feeding
  • What is normal behaviour, and what you can expect (wees, poos, sleep, feeding frequency)
  • How to tell if baby is getting enough
  • How to tell when things aren’t progressing as hoped and where to go for help

We offer The Boob Job as a free course

To express your interest, and to stay informed of upcoming courses and workshops, please email us at admin@startsmarttasmania.com.au.


Are You Being Served?: Infant Nutrition from Breast/Bottle to Solids

The first in a 2-part series unpacking nutrition for mothers and babies. This 1 hour session is for new or expectant mothers, or for those looking to move their babies onto solids. We discuss:

  • Australian guidelines around infant nutrition
  • Why breastfeed - how breast milk provides optimal nutrition for babies
  • Formula - things to consider
  • How to tell when your baby is ready for solids
  • When and how to introduce solid foods
  • How to balance solid foods with ongoing breastfeeding
  • Other considerations - allergies, vegetarian/ vegan families
  • Different philosophies around weaning - traditional weaning, baby self-feeding, baby-led weaning

Current Price: $30pp

Discounts available for groups of 8 or more

To express your interest, and to stay informed of upcoming courses and workshops, please email us at admin@startsmarttasmania.com.au.


Sleep Like a Babe!: Sleep, Settling and Breastfeeding

This 60 minute session is for new or expectant parents who are seeking information about sleep and settling and how this works within the context of breastfeeding. We will look at:

  • Normal infant behaviour and sleep patterns
  • Safe sleep guidelines
  • Sleep and settling methods that protect breastfeeding
  • What to do when strategies don’t work, or you get mixed messages
  • Looking after yourself when your baby doesn’t sleep

Current Price: $30pp

Discounts available for groups of 8 or more

To express your interest, and to stay informed of upcoming courses and workshops, please email us at admin@startsmarttasmania.com.au.