
Written Language Intervention

Start Smart Tasmania offers synthetic phonics intervention to address reading and spelling difficulties. This explicit, structured, multi-sensory approach is not only considered to be the ‘gold standard’ for the treatment and remediation of dyslexia, but is suitable for people of all ages who are struggling to master written print. All instructors have qualifications in either MSL (Multisensory Structured Language) or OG (Orton-Gillingham) intervention. Therapy is delivered in hour long, 1:1 sessions. Please contact us to discuss how this therapy could help.


Multisensory Maths Intervention

Delivered in weekly, 60 minute sessions, Multisensory Maths Intervention is an explicit, structured and sequential approach that uses manipulatives as part of the 'Build, Say, Write' process to develop a strong foundation of fundamental mathematical concepts and skills. The intervention targets new skills while continuously reviewing and integrating topics and concepts presented previously. Intervention is tailored for students of all ages.


Phoneme Fun

It is estimated that 90% of students with written language learning challenges have difficulties with their phonological awareness (PA) skills, including breaking words into syllables, identifying and generating rhyming words, breaking words into sounds, combining sounds to make words and, at a higher level, manipulating sounds in words. Our small group intervention program, Phoneme Fun, develops these skills in a fun and engaging way, facilitated by a Speech Pathologist and Written Language Instructor. It is expected that students will have developed these skills (specifically, blending and segmenting) prior to being offered a place in our 1:1 written language program.


Group Morphology

Morphemes, such as prefixes, suffixes and base or root words, are the smallest meaningful units of meaning. Knowledge of morphemes is not just important for reading and spelling, but also vocabulary and comprehension. Magical Morphemes is an intervention offered to students who are well suited to working in a small group, who have completed our 1:1 written language program, and are ready to dive into morphology - the study of words and their parts.


Dyslexia Awareness workshop

This workshop usually runs in October, to align with Dyslexia Awareness Month. Pitched at students with a dyslexia diagnosis, this 90 minute, small group session aims to connect students with dyslexia, develop an understanding of dyslexic strengths and challenges, share helpful strategies, and discuss self-advocacy.


Study Skills

This small group, weekly intervention is aimed to prepare current Grade 6 students for their upcoming transition to high school. The group is especially useful for students with executive function challenges as it targets organisational skills, note-taking, summarising and ordering of ideas. Other content is tailored to the needs of the group.


Grade 7 Transition Program

This is a series of three, 90 minute sessions that runs just prior to the start of Grade 7 (usually late January). This group focuses on developing social skills, getting organised for high school, reading timetables, developing strategies for working in groups, managing technology and ordering of ideas. Other content is tailored to meet the needs of the group.



The NoticeAbility program highlights the strengths associated with dyslexia and provides students with exercises that help them recognise these attributes in themselves and understand their application in their field of interest. Students are supported to enhance their social-emotional learning and executive functioning skills, which serve as a framework for academic and personal empowerment. The small group program is pitched at 11 - 14 year olds, and runs for 90 minutes, twice a week for one term.


Secret Agent Society

The Secret Agent Society (SAS) program is an evidence-based, small-group program that helps children understand the rules and expectations of social engagement. By acting as social detectives, children will ‘spy’ on the social world and become social superstars! The program teaches emotional recognition, coping with feelings, communication and play, building and maintaining friendships, problem-solving, bullying and teasing prevention, and personal strengths. The program is run on a weekly basis through the school term with booster sessions.


Assistive Technology training

For students with written language delays, learning to use Assistive Technology can accelerate academic and personal success. Text-to-speech tools can enable users to easily access written information, and speech-to-text tools enable the creation of texts and communication of ideas, by eliminating handwriting and/or spelling difficulties. This 1:1 session aims for students to leave the session, confidently knowing how to navigate these tools. Please note that clear speech is required for speech-to-text features to be used most effectively.


The Writing Revolution - Coming soon!

The small group Writing Revolution program aims to transform the way students approach writing. This program focuses on providing students with a systematic and explicit approach to mastering the essential skills of effective writing. Emphasizing the importance of sentence structure, grammar, and organisation, students are taught to build strong, sophisticated sentences and develop the ability to articulate their ideas persuasively. Sessions run for one hour, weekly. Content will be tailored to the needs of the students.


Word Wizards

Our newest group, Word Wizards is specifically designed for early childhood students with identified language difficulties, including a Language Disorder diagnosis. Our weekly small group intervention program targets a range of skills with which these children typically require support, including vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, phonological awareness, storytelling and conversational skills, as well as developing the skills that allow children to advocate for their needs. Facilitated by our Speech Pathology team, we aim to show our young students the magic of language by developing skills and confidence in a safe environment, with peers who ‘get’ the challenges.