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Learning Language and Loving It

Learning Language and Loving It is an evidence-based program developed by the Hanen Centre in Canada. The Hanen Centre is a world leader in the development and dissemination of programs for teachers working with young children who are experiencing, or at risk of, language delays. LLLI is a program for early childhood educators (teachers and TAs) that promotes research-based, practical strategies for helping all students in the classroom build language, emergent written language and social skills. The strategies discussed can be easily woven into everyday classroom activities. Each strategy is designed to engage and maintain the interest of the child, making language and written language-learning a fun and natural part of their day. A key feature of this program is its highly personalized nature. As part of each session, participants develop a plan for implementing the strategies discussed in the group sessions. We then visit participants to coach the use of these strategies with children in their own setting. For more information on the course, click here.  

Current price: $1800pp

To express your interest, and to stay informed of upcoming courses and workshops, please email us at admin@startsmarttasmania.com.au.